Near Death Experiences
The Existence of the Soul

One of the most convincing proofs for the existence of the soul is the near death experience of Vicki Noratuk. Vicki was blind from birth, but while her soul was outside her body during a near death experience she was able to see for the first time in her life.

Bradley Burroughs is another blind person who had a near death experience. He, too, was able to see for the first time when his soul was outside his body.

In this video, Tricia Barker talks about her soul being outside her body during a near death experience.

A Jewish man tells about his near death experience in this video.

In this video, a French speaking Muslim woman talks about her near death experience.

An Egyptian Muslim woman talks about her near death experience in this video.

In this video, Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, says that the brain does not create consciousness. Instead, it filters in consciousness.

Dr. Pim van Lommel, a cardiologist, talks about near death experiences in this video.

More videos about near death experiences.